Reports have emerged this morning that Spurs have almost completed the signing of Toby Alderweireld from Atletico Madrid.

The Belgian defender had a successful season last season on loan at Southampton, who seem to have failed to land Alderweireld despite having a clause in his loan contract enabling them to purchase the player for a bargain fee. Here’s how Twitter reacted to the news.



  1. Will believe it only when officially announced on the Spurs official website.So which big player will now leave us.

    • wow you dream of being arsenal? Spurs fans would never want to step down to such a low level. We are the true club of the north London. We are the one! The mighty Spurs!

    • Steve you are very bitter, you saints fans are really pissing us off recently,we had a crap season and came 5th, you had a great season and ended up7th. Leave us alone, we don’t give your crap club a seconds thought, and Toby could end up at chelski just because they have more cash, and so that you know, Portsmouth are a bigger club than you with terrific fans, all other fans I speak to agree.So shut up.

      • Seriously you need to listen to yourself! Crap season? Think spurs are better than both Manchester clubs, Arsenal and Chelsea do we? Saints are crap? Didn’t stop Spuds stealing both manager and head of recruitment did it? Seems like Spurs want to replicate Saints to me.

        Another deluded spurs fan feeding on past glories.

  2. Steve, you saints fans make me laugh.
    We haven’t won anything for a long time, and yet we need a much larger capacity stadium , as the waiting list is there, believe it or not.We do have huge USA sponsors coming, imagine if you can, what some success would do for Spurs. Still think you are equal to us?There are many premiership clubs much bigger than you,sorry to burst your bubble.

  3. Ever bothered to think that we could have bought Toby in 2013 for less money than we paid for Chiriches?There was talk of us looking at him then and would have made sense for him to join up with Vertonghen and Eriksen.I don’t actually think he is that good a player otherwise Atletico would not have loaned him out and not be prepared to sell him today….Wish we would spend the little money Daniel Levy makes us believe we have(irrelevant that Joe Lewis has more money than Abramovitch) on a top striker + a top defensive midfielder, and by tops I don’t mean some cheap unproven player from another country or a Sunday Hackney Marshes player fron England.

  4. Hopefully we can keep lloris and we will be looking solid in defence assuming we buy a quality defensive midfielder as well

  5. We won the league at shite Hart lane. We won the league at that shit hole. We won the league at shite Hart lane

  6. What is a big club. .?

    Saints are a team who might win a cup but are spurs in a better position. …I think at best the will probably win a cup in the next 5 years ……as for Toby …. enter a bidding war for a player Madrid don’t rate maybe levy is being sold a dud who I think has suspect hamstrings but like lovren we thought was excellent. ….. on pochettino ….barca fans think he is a joke and his record seems to back that up. ..and yes I was gutted when he dumped us

  7. While on loan at Southampton last season, the Belgian defender enjoyed success. However, despite having a condition in his loan deal that allowed Southampton to acquire Alderweireld for a very cheap price, the club appears to have failed to sign him.


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